The teraperature reigning in the Herrenbad is 27° R. in one room, and 28° R. in the other. The principal spring of Wildbad emerges from a niche penetrating dcep into the rock, on one of the sides of this basin. On plunging the arm into the cleft whence the spring flows, its force and temperature may at once be ascertained. The heat in this place, which bears the appropriate denomination of Hoelle, is 30°ofR. or about 100° of Fahrenheit. The quant- ity of water the springs of this basin supply, amounts to 13,911 cubic feet a minute, or 787 c. f. per hour. — Close to the Herrenbad are
3) and 4) Two small basins of 100 square feet in surface each, and a temperature of 28° R. They are not provided with shower-batlis, and the number of dressing closets attaehed to the one is but four, that in the other being five. These bath-rooms are principally dedicated to the use of pcrsons inflicted with cutaneous and disgusting diseases; liowever as the temperature in tliem is so high, they are rarely used for this purpose, and such persons are at present allowed to take tlieir baths in coldcr bath-rooms also, to which effect the hour from 11 to 12 wlien no other bathers are present, is set aside for tliem.
5) The ladies’ bath, or Frauenbad, with a surface of 624 square feet, and a construction similar to that of the Herrenbad. Fach of the two coinpartmcnts, into wliicb it is divided, contains thirteen dressing-rooms, both of tliem also have contrivances for administering the douclie and sliower- bath. The temperature in this bath is 27° R. in the eastern compartment, and 28° R. in the Western one. On each side tliere are two closets for solitary bathers.
6) The new bath or A eubad, mach smaller than the Herren- or Frauenbad, has an area of but 342 square feet; — the temperature in it is 28° R. On each side therc are