eight dressing-rooins, douche and shower-baths, and bathing- closcts for one person.
7) The Interimsbad, bat for the difference of teinpcra- ture, which here rises to 29° R., and of surface (516 square fcet), is exactly likc tbe Neubad. Tbere arc tliree closets for single'bathing in cacli compartmcut.
As is tbe case at all the German Spas, the lower classes have beeil taken care of in Wildbad; for their solo usc is destined a separate building, which contains
8) The Catherine-bath ( Catherinenstiftsbad ). This is partitioncd off into four compartnients, — two for each sex. The temperature in this basin is the lowest of all the Wildbad springs, only 26° R. It is intended to conduct the water of these springs into the principal Badgebäude, in order to obtain therc a greater variety of temperature, and in its stead to lead some of tbe Jiottcr springs into the basin of the Catherine-bath. This latter bas an area of 792 feet, but no separate drcssing-closets, nor single bath-rooms.
The prices for the several baths are fixed by a printed tariff—as well as the remuneration to be given to the attendant. That of a bath in the Fürstenbad, is one gülden twenty-four kreuzers in the morning, and fifty-four kreuzers in the afternoon; — in the other basins, it is twenty-four kreuzers in the fore-noon, and sixteen only after tliree o’clock. Bathing in the single-bath closets is paid at the rate of thirty-six kreuzers a bath, in the morn- ing, and twenty-four in the afternoon. The prices in the Catherinebatbs are lower still, being only fifteen, and ten kreuzers.
Those who batlie in the Fürstenbad pay the bath-master six kreuzers for assistance in dressing and undressing, and three kreuzers in the other baths. For washing the bathing- dress and towel four kreuzers are paid, but if the roque-