The medical effects of thc Wildbad water, applied to the lunvian body at a temperature varying from 91° to 100° of Fahrenheit, liave been too long known and ascertained for any one to deny their reality, on the ground of the appa- rent simplicity of its Chemical composition. Uhi rerum testi- monia adsunt, quid opus est verhisf We shall therefore, without entering upon Iong disquisitions on medical theories, con- tent ourself with pointing out the various groups of diseases in the removal of which thcse waters liave proved efficacious, and supporting our statements by accounts of some eures effected by them, when all other remedies had failed. Tho§e who wish for more detailed and accurate Information on this head, we refer to Dr. Heims, and Dr. Frickers works on Wildbad * considering tliese baths principally under the medical point of view, and containing an ample störe

* Wildbad , dans le Royaume de Wurtemberg et ses eaux thermales. Traite topographique et medical par le Professeur Heim, M. D. Stutt­gart, 1839.

Die Heilkräfte der warmen Quellen zu Wildbad im Königreiche Würt­temberg. Nach den in den letzten zwei Decennien gesammelten Erfah­rungen zusammenge.stellt von Dr. Jakob Fricker, Bade- und Amtsarzt in Wildbad. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Stuttgart, 1840.