the establislunent of a separate basin for cases of tliat na- ture. There is also another excellent regulation, whicli obliges visitors who liave entered their names us batbers on tlieir first arrival, (according to the general practice) on the Bad-nieisters register, to takc first a bain de proprete , viz. a private batb; so tliat their pcrson sliall be properly cleanscd, previously to their being permitted to use the otlier baths.

The bathing togethcr, when tliat can be done under circumstances so favourable as at Wildbad, and with the decormn wbicli is there observed, is a source of entertain- nient conducive to licalth. People talk of the effect of the baths, eitlier froui wliat they liave lieard, or from their ovvn expcrience; and the sick receive fresh spirits from hearing others descant on the good result produccd by the water lipon thcmselves. The bathing together in tliis natural River-hcad and the bathing in slippers or tubs, are to each other, in point of healtli, as a walk with a pleasant companion in the open air, is to sitting in a lockcd-up chamber.

The eastern coinpartment of the Herrenbad bas 19 dress- ing-closets, wliich number as abovc-ineiitioned, is also tliat of the persons admitted at ouce to the bath-room; the Western portion will accommodate 23 individuals. ln each coinpartment there are contrivanc.es for the application of shower-baths, screened off from the main basin by cur- taius, and providcd with separate dressing-rooms, and in- gresses to the basin. The. number of closets for tliose w'lio wish to batlie alone, in the eastern compartment is four; possessing their own springs of different tenipcratures (two of 28° R.; one of 27 I / 2 °R , and one of 29'/n°R.) and having their own dressing-rooms attached to tlieni. The eastern compartment rontains six of tlicsc jiloset-baths.