laure and towel arc provided by the bath-niaster, the rc- muneration for the use of these, is six Kreuzers niore.

Single persons or niore inay have a common batli-room to tbcmselves, if tbe authorities give tlieir consent, and the nuiuber of visitors bathing does not prevent it, on paying the amount due for the whole nuinber of persons the bath is capablc of accommodating.

The first bath, wliich visitors are requested to take in a doset or tub alone, as a preparation for the conmion bath, may he had gratis. Those who wisli to have a shower bath, pay twelve kreuzers for the apparatus; the price for administering the douche is six kreuzers. In botli cases the bath-masters fee is four kreuzers. Slianipooing is done at the rate of six kreuzers a head.

No one is allowed to batlie without a ticket of ad- mission. In Order to get this, the patient has to send to the bureau his nanie and notice of the days and hours on wliich he wishes to batlie. This must bc paid for in advance, and given to the bath master on taking the first bath. Any one prevented from using his card for the time appointed, upon his immediately applying to the bath-master, will re- ceive a ticket, testifying his not having used the card, and he will get another, or the money if required.

In the dressing rooni of each bath, therc is a notice of the names of those who batlie, and the hours they have chosen. None are admitted at those hours, except the parties in the list; and it is requested that notice be given to the bath-inspector if any one should be found acting against the rules.

The time for entering the baths and leaving them is also fixed; and the different sets of bathers are informed by the ringing of a bell when the baths have been cleared out and rcfilled, and tlieir turn of bathing is come.