(taking it for granted tliat all the water supplicd is genuine), it will hold, in solution, exactly three ounces and a half of carhonate of soda; bcsides wliich it will contain nearly an ounce of carhonate of magnesia. Now let ray fair readers (if I should he fortunate enough to have any) cause an equal amount of those two saline comhinations to be dis- solved in their tcpid baths, and I will answer for the con- sequence, as far as the lubrification and satinization of their skin are conccrned. But with regard to the promised delight from the baths at Schlangenbad, neither their natural teinpcraturc nor their coinposition, could be cxpected to in- ducc any such fecling. The scnsations experienced in them appear to me to amount to no more than the natural sense of comfort, generally feit in Summer, upon entcring a tepid batli. In conclusion, when I set myself to coinparc Schlangenbad with the other thermal springs, and espccially with Wildbad, I frankly confess tliat I feit great disappointment at the result of my enquiries.