enticed many of Satans adherents to tlie new preacher, who soon bccame fasliionable and saw bis congregation increase daily. .As tlie votaries of Satan diininisbed in tlie sanie proportion, he became greatly enraged, for already the splendour of bis court had dwindled down to a liiere no­thing, and he saw tlie day coniing wben he would stand quite alone and forsaken. Openly he dared not procced against tlie deserters, as he had to fear tlie Almighty would be incensed against bim to such a degree as to tlirow hiin back in to the fiery pool, and just at Ibis period be preferred a temperate climate;wliat was to be donc in tliis dilemma? He taxed bis brain for an expedicnt, and at last bit upon an invcntion, wortliy ofliis renowned wisdoin. At tliis he inimediately weilt to work, piling up an enormous heap of rocks, until it had tlie height of a respectably sized liill. Upon tliis he tlien erected a mill, for grinding sandstones to dust, by tlie rattling of wliicli he lioped to drown tlie voice of the angel, and also to tlirow the dust into tlie eycs of bis adherents. But it canie otherwisc tlian hc oxpected. The patience of the Lord at length was ex- hausted - . hc threw a tliunderbolt at tlie Evil one and sent bim back to bis liery pool. The mill liowever exists still near Loffenau, and any child will point it out to you, if you ask for the Devil's mill. At the place wlierc tlie Prince of Darkness sank down to bis liery abode, a hot spring rose, and you may still perccive the briinstone smell be left behind bim, if you will takc the pains of repairing to Baden-Baden and taking a peep at the spring called die Hölle. Satans mill also has been trausferred to the same spot, and upon entering tlie Pandaenioniuni, called Conversationshaus, you may beliold tlie wlieels whizzing round and round , grinding and crushing the happiness and even the very existente of body and soul of the votaries