the west tlie vicw is limited by the blue hills of the Vos- ges. From tlie Hohlolikopf you either return directly to Wildbad, taking on tlie way, at about a mile beyond Kal­tenbronn , a glimpse down upon tlie ocean of trees below, or, if yon wish furtber to explore tlie wonderful mountain fastnesses of tlie Black Forest you may bend your Steps to tlie Teufelsmühle (Devils-mill) near Loffenau, and tlience return to Wildbad by Dobel and tlie Eyach-mill.

In ancient times the Prince of Darkness ruled tlie Black Forest witli suprcme svvay. Tlie number of bis adlierents was great, for all tlie luintsinen and otlier denizens of the woods paid hini allegiance, and continually such of tlie in- babitants of tlie open country around, as despised tlie tarne lifc of walled towns and castles, or tlie pcaccful pursuits of agriculturc and trade, resorted to bis residence, wliich lie bad taken near Baden-Baden, on tlie outskirts of tlie Forest; and took Service ander bis colours. His throne stood on a projecting eininence near the Mercury hilf, where he uscd to give audience to his subjects, and to in- culcate bis doctrines to tlie vast inultitude assembled round liini. No wonder tliat bis disciples profitcd of tlie precepts they so offen reccived, and rapine and bloodslied were tlie Order of tlie day.Tlie Lord of Hcaven liowcvcr saw with concern tlie forlorn condition of the people, and resolvcd to give tlicm a chance of salvation. He tlicrcfore seilt down one of bis ininistering angels, to preach, and rescue tbern from tlieir evil courses. Tlie angel took his hcad quartcrs at a fertile mradow in tlie mountains, wliich still is called Herrenwiese (tlie meadow of tlie Lord), and set about his task in right good earnest. At first tlie number of bis bearers was but small, a few stray sliepherds and fishers composing bis wliole audience But they brought with tliem tlieir wives and children, and tlie attraction of novelty also