wiese, near Baden , and finding the Business did not pay, went to Loffenau wliere he cstablislied a new concernfor the better grinding of sandstones. Thence to Baden.

Another route to Baden-Baden, which may be recom- mended on account of the varied and beautiful sccnery it possesses, lies through the valley of the Mourg.

By Enzklösterle,



Schönmünzach; tliis is the best place from which to set out for a tour to the Katzenkopf, the highest point of Würtemberg, 3550 Par. feet above the level of the sea. The view from tliis height surpasscs, both in beauty and extent, that from the Mauzenstein. At Schönmünz there are glass- works wliere the process of glass blowing, as practiscd in the Black Forest, may be studied.


Baden-Baden. The whole distance docs not exceed 4 posts = 8 Germ, miles 37 English miles.

The third, and easiest route, lies by Calmbach,

Höfen, the principal seat of the rafting-trade of the Black Forest,

Neuenbürg/s posts. Inns: Post, and Crown; at the latter the landlord speaks English.

Pforzheim % posts. Inns: Post, and Eagle. The land­lord of the Eagle speaks English. Here the traveller may eitlier take the Eil-wagcn to the railroad at Carlsruhe, or at Durlach, and thence proceed to Baden, and Strassburg, or to Mannheim and Heidelberg.