.amongst the number of those, whicb are chosen as climatic remedies for a winters stay, owing |to its being situated in a valley, partly open in tbe direction of north-east to south-wcst, and exposed in consequence to the cold winds from the first-mentioned point of the compass, (which on the ofher hand, by the quick changes of air, it occasions, in combination witb the exuberant Vegetation of the forests, renders the atmosphere the more pure and excellent during the wann scason) and also because the high surrounding hills partly shut out the sun, wliich causes too suddeu changes of temperature on mornings and cvenings, still even in winter Wildbad counts fine and sunny days, of wliich tlie warmer hours may be used for walks in the open air; the walks are kept in good state during this season also; besides, according to Fricker, there are but ten or twelve foggy days in November, and the commencement of March, and endemic diseases are unknown thereall thesc advan- tages are well adapted to obtain a preference for Wildbad, from such as want to bathe in Winter. The - mean tem­perature during the months of December, January and Fe- bruary, is 29° of F., while that of Stuttgart, wliich is considered the wannest point of Würtemberg, is 33° to 34° F. The average barometrical height during winter, is 27".

There exists still, at Wildbad as well, as also at other Spas, a prejudice against the winter-seasons, a eure in winter appearing either absolutely impossible, or at least being considered as an extraordinary phenomenon, but why? Is not the patient obliged to be somewhere during the winter? may he not find at Wildbad the same treatment, the same acconiniodation, or the same advantages, he lias at home? Must not he submit also to medical treatment at lionie, and must not he often take there also baths, not- witli,standing the rigour of the climatc? Why should he,