The eure succeeded excessively well, for aftcr ten days Dr. H.’s digestion was quitc restored, and four wecks were sufficient, to render bim bis former healtby and thriving appearance.
Jt would be quite superfluous, to relatc a larger rnunber of eures wrougbt by the waters of Wildbad, our aim in com- piling tliis ebapter being only, to point out the principal forms of diseases for curing whicb these baths have proved so eminently successful. In a time, when paralytic, gouty, and rheumalic affcctions as well, as the diseases of the female organism, increase to such a frightful degree, it certainly will not be thought superfluous, to direct the attention of the Englisli public to the specific virtues of Wildbad against these sufferings. Thousands and thousands of eures have proved them, and more than anything eise, the observation: that the rnunber of male and female patients of these classes increases annually in the same proportion, will tend to cou- firm everything said in their favour. — As we did not intend to write a medical treatise, the extent of Information on this head we could afford to give, must of course be limited to the narrow bounds prescribed by the nature of this vo- lume; — those however, who wisli for more ample infor- mation, we beg leave to direct to Dr. Fricker’s, and Dr. Hcirn’s works on Wildbad, where the medical part is trea- ted de preference.