recovery froni thesc batlis I myself spied out on tbe Platz, as I was rcturning from visiting tbe saloon and tbe royal ehainbers. A boy, apparently fourteeu years of age, was walking slowly by thc side of a Iady, (wbose mien be- spoke her of tbe biglier dass of society,) with that peeuliar gait, wbich announces tliat thc steps are the first thc in­valid is vcntuiing to take without Support. I addresscd the Iady with the cxpression of liope that the youthful invalid had derived all the benefit she could wisli from the batlis. Ycs, truly, was the reply,mon fils vient de jeter ses be- quilles aujourd' hui meine; and he walks with tliis simple stick, and without any aid from me for thc first time to-day. We are in high spirits, and proionging, perhaps too late in the evening, this all-joyful exercise. When wc first arrived herc, he was carried to the batlis from bis bcd-room on a littcr; in the course of one moiith he was able to cross tbe Street, from the liotel to the bath-rooms, on crutches; and this day, teil wecks after our arrival, he has thrown fliese supporters away, I trust for ever. His general liealth has improved at thc same time in every respect, and he wants only a little more strength to be himself again. 1 liave reason indeed to bless fliese batlis, tliough thcy have done me ho good, as I came liither in a fevered state, for wliicli Dr. Fricker assures me, these waters are not advis- able. But tliey liave restorcd my boy, wliom the physi­cians at F. looked upon as lost, after liaving gone, through one of thc most dangcrous attacks of fever, and I am happy. 11 etail perclus de Ions ses membres , et le voild mainlenant, qui se promene !

The disorders of the articulations, wliose seat is in the joints of thc thigli and the knee, comprising such complaints as lumbago , sciatica, Fungus articulorum , white swelling of the knee, ( Tumor albus), contractions, and stiffness of the