cations of a powerful douche along tlie dorsal spine, was attended with so favourable a result, that now Iie may be said to be entirely cured.
Such paralyses of the lower extremities as are tbe re- sults of some local alleration of tbe vertebral coluinn; occa- sioned by a violent concussion or some other mechanical cause —or of a spontancous displacement of the dorsal ver- tebrae, are sometimes cured by tbe waters of Wildbad, as the following cases will sbow.
A labourer, 40 years of age, in the course of the winter of 1830, was struck in the luinbar region, by a tree he was felling, which brougbt about such a commotion of the spinal niarrow that a total paralysis of bis inferior niembers cnsued. Düring tbe six months subsequent to bis accident everything was tried to eure him, but all that could be done in bis case was, to enable bim to sit again in an erect posturc, where he could move bis legs. In this state he was transported to Wildbad, and the waters operated upon bim so advantageously, that before bis departure be could walk supported by crutches. The ultcrior effects of the batlis bowever werc still more favourable, and aftcr the second season he spent at Wildbad, be was fit again for labours of a lighter nature.
A girl of seventeen, who suffered of complete paralysis of tbe inferior extremities, accompanied with intuinescence and dislocation of sevcral dorsal vertebrac, was completcly cured at Wildbad during tbe season of 1838. The swelling decreased insensibly after tbe first fortnight; in a similar time the bony parts resumed their natural position, and the limbs their wonted suppleness, so that in six weeks slic en- joyed again almost perfect health.
The paralyses frorn apoplexy are gencrally of bemi- plegic nature, and for removing these particularly Wildbad