
band was doubled up with tlie uppcr-arm, and the muscles of the vvliolc limb were crisped to such a dcgrec, as to feel like a claimuy stone beneath the dark-blue skin. After a fortnights use of the baths, a considcrable cutaneous crup- tion appeared on all parts of her body, followed by an alleviation of the pains, and a returning agility of the affected liinb. In less than fivc wceks the eruption was cured, and wlicn she returned to her accustomed labours, the last traccs of her defect had disappeared.

A lady, agcd 50, of a strong Constitution, had for eight years becn visited regularly in the comniencenient of spring, by violent accesses of the gout, which generally Iasted some weeks. Tbough not complicated with fever, her pains frequently werc excruciating, partieularly in the joints of the lower extremities. Annually also in the attacked parts considcrable knots of arthritic matter were deposited, producing anehyloses of the joints of the feet, which at last rendercd tlieni so inonstrous tliat, as tliis state more- over was aceompanied with a great cxtensiou and stiffness of the limbs, walking becamc impossible. The use of se- veral warm baths produced no favourablc results, tili at last Wildbad was tried for two succcssive years. By the first six-w 7 ceks course of bathing the lophi were mollified and reduccd to half their foriner dimcnsion, at the same tiinc the pains subsidcd in some measure, and after the sccond season at Wildbad all the tuniors had been absorbed, she could use her feet without the least inconvenience, and returned honie radically cured.

The alfections of Ihe spinal marrow , ending with partial or total paralysis of the lower extremities, and which in our days multiply with such a frightful rapidity, are, if anywhere, cured at Wildbad. These terrible diseases are the more dangerous, as tliey are generally not recognised, tili

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