plan adopted by the proprietors of the Hotel Bellevue, and the Bear-hotel, who send the invalids staying at their houses, to the baths in commodious little cabs, pushed by one person. The liberality with which the Wiirtemberg govern- nient has built and fitted up the baths and the hotel con­nected with theni, deserves a cordial vote of thanks from the great body of invalids who have so much been, and will be yet benefitted in healtli and comfort by their erection. The Badhotel is fitted up with every luxury for the reception of about fifty different parties, and the spacious dining-room will acconimodate even a greater number. Evcrything is liere combined under one roof, which can make life agreeable and a bathing-season less tedious. There is a ball-rooin in it for the gay, and a book sliop for the serious; the musical will find a splendid grand piano, placed there for public use by government, and politicians may con the godly sclection of papers in the reading-room. In whatever mood you maybe, whether you likc a game at billiards or chess, or a nap over the leaves of a fashionable novel, command, and the genii of the place will obey! Nor does the steep mountain on thewest-side (as our transatlantic neighbours elegantly have it) of the house, oppose any obstacles to pedestrian exercise, for broad gravel-walks with occasional seats at the wayside, to repose the weary, are leading up in gcntle windings to the brow of the hill. But to return to the wells: The drinking-springs issue through tubes fixed Out­side of the Badgebäude; tliey also are of various tempera- tures, from 88° to 94° F. A fliglit of stone steps leads down to theni, and two little girls are continually in attend- anee, to hand the filled glasses up to the brunnen-drinkers, and to reccive the exhausted ones. For this office tliey re- ceive thirty kreuzers per season from each visitor, and thirty more are paid to government for the use of the spring