nexion between the hot springs of Wildbad and Baden- Baden , wliilc at tlie same time thcy are bearing evidence to the trutb of tlie remark, that tlie liot springs always risc from rocks of tlie priniary formation, the cold sources ge- nerally baving tlieir origin in transition-rocks. To the latter point tlie circiunstance of tlie Teinach-springs, rising from tlie red sandstonc, lends additional weiglit.

Tlie distribution of the waters of tlie Black Forest is liiglily interesting, and, as it appcars, in direct Opposition to all laws of bydrostatics ; for, contrary to tlie obscrvations niade in otlier parts of tlie globe; tlie largest accuniulations of water occurj exactly 011 tlie liigliest elevations, instead of existing in^ the valleys, wliere tlieir natural place sliould be. Tlie niost remarkable of tlie niountain-lakcs of tlie Black Forest liave alrcady bccn enunierated in tlie introductory cliapter of tbis voluine, togetlier witli tlieir elevation aliove tlie level of the sea ; tliere exists liowever a great nuniber of snialler ones, all of tliem in great altitudes, wliicli for want of späte liave not been mentioned; and niany peat-niosses of tliose Iiigli elevations niost certainly liave formerly been the beds of lakes. Moreover, tliere is no lack of evidence to tlie fact: that in ancient times tliere were enornious lakes in various parts of tlie Black Forest, wliose waters, after liaving broken tlieir bounds, took tlieir egress towards tlie Rhine and the lesser valleys of the neighbourliood, destroying every tliing before tliem, and piling up those gigantic ac- cuniulations of fragnients of rocks, wbich abound cliiefly in the Southern portion of tliis mountainous district. Such an accident, tliough on a smallcr scale has also taken place in the Enz-valley, wliicli still sliows the traces of devast- ation by water, near tlie Sprollpnhüfe. Tliere eonsiderable accuniulations of granite and sandstone-fragnients appear, produced undoubtedly by tlie force of waters rusliing down