saloon, one hundred and sixty feet long and forty feet wide, open (o the garden on one side, and backed by the moun- tain, form all the eiubellislnnents of the Teinacb Spa, which is celebrated in the neighbourliood, though little frequented by strangers. Dr. Schütz and Dr. Müller, the physicians having the Charge of the baths and springs, appointed by the government, do not reside at Teinacb, but at Calw, and visit the establislnnent twice or tliree times a-week. Every thing is moderate in price in this sequestered spot.— The village-church contains a curious cabalistic painting, called Turris Anloniae.
Those wo may bc inclined to pay a visit to Tcinacli, from Wildbad, will do well to selcct for their exeorsion St. James-day, the 2ö th of July, on which day a populär feast takes place there. It is called the Ilahnentanz (cocks dance), and the expenscs attemlant to its celebration are provided for by a fund, granted for this purpose by the late Dowager Queen of Würtemberg.— 1t commences by three o’clock in the afternoon, on the public place, with foot-races among the young people of botli srxes. This is followed by donkey-races which generally give origin to a great deal of mirth at the expensc of the riders, and then the great object of the day is broughl forward. A pole of nine feet in height, on the top of which a cock is encaged in a wooden box, is firmly implanted in the soil. Below this cage a wooden arm is fastened to the pole, from which dangles a small board, attached in the manncr of a balance-scale. A glass of water is placed upon it and now the young men with their sweethearts begin to dance round the pole. When a couple arrives beneath tlie board, they stop; and the swain, getting a lift from bis partner, en- deavours to knock over the glass of w'ater with bis head. He who has first done the feat three times running, re-