0,61 grains of sulpliate of soda,

0,82 ,, carbonatc of lime,

0,10 ., oxide of iron,

0,41 silioious matter,

Total 7,88 grains.

A hundrcd parts of tlie gas, evolving from the spring, contain

Carbonic acid 51,58,

Nitrogen 44,17,

Oxygen 5,25.

It is ceitainly a curious coincidence, and well worth a passing remark, that tlie snakes (coluber matrix), found at Scblangenbad, are also to be met witb in great numbers, in the waste-pipes of the Liebenzell spring, whilc they are found nowherc eise in the neighbourhood.

I have beeil assured tliat these baths have becn found very useful in scrofulous diseases, and in consumption, aecompanied with tuberries: in which latter condition of the lungs, it is said that the exhalation of the surroundiug fir forests is also parlicularly serviceable. In heemorrhages of all sorts, such as spitting of blood, habitual bleeding from the nose, or from hacmorrhoidal vessels, as also where the natural excretion of blood is too profuse, the Liebenzell waters have acquired a well-merited celcbrity. Used both inwardly, and as baths, tlicy have of late years perforined some striking eures, in cases of morbid sensibility of the stomach and intestinal canal, and have removed attacks of neuralgia or tic, dependant on that condition of the di­gestive Organs. In female patients, and such of the other sex as possess irritable nerves, or who cannot endure the action of exciting baths, or active medicines, the effects of the Liebenzcll springs deserve more attention, than they