tliis respect, liave been recognised by tbe most renowned physicians of Germany.
Tbc quantity of rain and snow falling at Wildbad is considerable. ln tbe hottest Summers eveu tbe innunierable springs, rising in tbe vicinity, liave ncver been known to fail. The quantity of rain falling annually in tbe Black Forest amounts to 48 incbes.
If we compare tbe ineteorological statistics of Wildbad to those of otber batbing places, tbe scales will turn in favour of tbe fonner. Tbc number of fine days during the season, (which comprises tbe montbs of June, July and August), amounts to 39, cloudy days tbere are 35, and rains or thunderstonns rule tbe remaining 16 days. It is a remavkable fact, tliat Wildbad bas never been struck by ligbtning, tbe sourrounding liills admirably serving tbe purpose of lightning-conductors. Tlie inhabitants use to say, „However tbe thmuler rolls, it burts not Wildbad.“ — Tbe finest period of tbe year is tliat of tbe autumnal montbs, when scarcely a cloud will be visible.
These dates will be sufficient to show tliat tbe valley of Wildbad is not tbe inliospitable soil for which preju- diced porsons liave been pleased to descry it. Many of tliose who canic to Wildbad witli notions of tliis kind, liave beeil agreeably surprised by tbe fertile aspect of tliis lovely valley, and the extreme mildness of its elimate, which in- deed is, well adapted to remove any unfavourable opinions, and to contirm all tbe good ones, one may previously bave entertained on its account.
Witli respect to tlie state of health of tbe inhabitants, Dr. Heim says in bis woik on Wildliad: „It is neitber better nor worse tlian in tlie neiglibouting places or in otber healthy situations of tlie country. Tbe population is not very robust, but tliis arises generally from the rüde
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