increased by the new wing added to the Bear-hotcl, the Royal Badholel, and the Hotel Bellevue , all of which have been erected since. These three botels, besides, w'ould be considered first-rate, even in a large town, and, as Dr. Granville in bis work on the spas of Germany, says: 1t is indeed surpiising to see such establislnnents in tliis w'ild and seduded vallcy and to find oncself in apartments on the principal story, — aux lambris dores — when, out of every window, nothing mccts the eycs but a dense forest, romantic glens, and terrific rocks, witli the murinuring Enz darting past the sleeping-chanibers in the rear of the buil- ding. Here, of course, as in every other place, they follow the maxini, “first come, first served,” and we should therefore reconnnend to those who may feel disposed to try a season at Wildbad, to engage an apavtment befoTe- haiid at one of the before-meutioncd hotels, —at the cor de chasse (Post), or at the König von Würtemberg ; unless they should prefer private lodgiugs. But as these Iatter caunot well be secured, witli any degree of satisfaction witli regurd to their clioice, before they are sehn, the best way is to proceed first to one of the hotels, wliere an apartnient or suite of rooms inay be retained by writing a month before the season begins. I counsel' my readers thus, because I am convinced, that by following such a course, it is possible to be as well and as comfortably accommo- dated at Wildbad, as in the niost frequented and fasliio- nable Spas. — The prices of every thing are inucli the saine as at Baden-Baden, pcrhaps even niore moderate. The Dinner at the fable d’höte of the principal hotels is very creditable to mine host botli for its goodness and cheapness. The evening meal or supper, which begins at eight o’clock and proceeds tili elcven, is not on the plan of a table d’höte, as the dinner, but ä la carte.