district ofWitticli, also from the Anton-mine in (he Kinzig­valley.

The vast Manganese-veins of Villingen are not worked to such an cxtent, as to satisfy the rising deinand. The aggregate produce does not exceed 1000 Ctwghts. annually.

As the veins of metallic Lead are not very extensive, and the low prices ofSpanish Lead exclude conipetition, most of the Lead produced in this district is obtained from the assaying of argentiferous ores. The products öf coupellation are ßlichsilrer and Litharge, vvhich latter is variously used in manufactories.

hon is most extensively found and smelted over all the Black Forest. In the district of Kandern alone about 30 mincs could be enumerated. It generally appears in the shape of brown iron-ore. In sonie parts, as for instance near Pfonheim, the brown iron-ore lies almost on the sur- face, heilig only covcrcd by thin Iayers of humus; some- times too jt is swept together in basins or moulds of great Oolite and Portland-stone. Various iron works, spread through the districts from Alpbrugg tili up to Pforzheim, are engaged in the smelting and manufacturing of this metal.

There exist a few mines of Bismuth and Antimony,

Common Salt is made at the Saltworks of Dürrheim.

The population of the Black Forest amounts to 300,000, or 32S0 on the gcrman square mile. Few of them are living in eitles, by far the greater number being scattered in solitary habitations over the whole district. Connected villages are but to be found in the embouchures of vallcys, or in spots where highroads have becn the sources of in- creased traffic. Most of the parishes extend over an area of several leagues, within which the homesteads spread disjointedly along a valley or its ramifications. The way